Our Story
My mother who was born on a spud farm (potato) in Shelly Idaho in 1935 was trained that a good farm and one that represented the family would not have weeds in the field. On Sunday her grandfather would load her and her sister in the old car and drive around all the local farms and his comment was, “look at that field with all the weeds, that is so shameful”. So has she grew up and one of her jobs was to pick the weeds. This was a hand and knee job.
She went to college and met my father and at the various properties she lived at, you would see her on hand and knee, or bent over picking weeds. Then in 1990 the families moved to a new family farm and it had plenty of weeds. But she is not the spring flower she use to be and the soil was hard and the weeds seemed bigger. At the same time the variety of weeds was exhausting. It ranged from goat heads to crab grass to massive thistles with dandelions in between all of it.
How do you try to work your fingers around a prickly goat head and then try to grab hold of a cocklebur with a root that reaches to China, when you are 5 foot 4 and 120 lbs. So, being a farmer and having old pieces of metal and old tool handles laying around, the welder was pulled out and variation after variation was made, with very specific input from my mother, such as, “this one is better, but it needs to be better, so make me a better one”.
It had to be built to last, had to be strong, and could not break but do the job perfectly. So the original Weeder was created, no wood handle but rather strong and light anodize aluminum handle. A penetrating fork that was not to big, but big enough. A foot lever that worked at any angle and you did not have to keep your foot on it to rock it back and lift out weeds. It was not supposed to leave divots in the soil so that when used on lawns, there were no little holes. So the original Weeder is perfect for those applications, it is the Weeder of specialty, a bit more skill to use, but an awesome answer to the need.
But then the question came from the more aggressive user, me. I want to be approximately close to the weed, I want to yank out nasty crab and clump grass, and I want to be able to grab the biggest weed and have the Weeder clamp harder and when the weed pulls back with extreme force. With my engineering background I looked at the Weeder in the light of using various lever actions to increase clamping and forces but with the simple ease to the operator. At the same time using gravity as a natural force to make opening the jaws to release the weed. And so the development of the double action head of the new Weeder Pro. The clamping force increases proportionally to the greater resistance of the weed. But yet, it can grab the daintiest weed such as a dandelion and out it comes.
We believe in value. If you look at all the components comprising of the Weeder Pro, you will see that quality was never compromised with lower cost alternatives. It is not a China made product. It is the tank of weed pullers that will last a life time. It has adjustability, durability, and can be left outside where you last worked with it. It will always be there to do the job and was built that way.
My mother is now 88 and two years ago she stopped pulling weeds, but the legacy of her weed pulling passion lives on in the development and use of the Weeder tools. We are so happy to share our heritage with you and proud that we can offer a tool of high standards with a history of use and a tool developed from our personal use.